My prefix is not showing in-chat?

If you have setup a permissions plugin such as PermissionsEX or LuckPerms and have configured a prefix, you will need a compatible chat plugin to ensure these show in-chat.

We advise to use EssentialsXChat for this, or EssentialsChat for older versions. This comes bundled with Essentials as standard, and you can find a download link below for this. Once installed, restart the server and your prefixes should show as normal!

Minecraft 1.8 onwards

Download EssentialsX:

Minecraft 1.7 and older

Download Essentials:


Still not working?

Please ensure you have no conflicting prefix, or chat plugins installed - and that you have the correct version of Essentials & EssentialsChat installed.

If you are still facing issues and have a server with VillagerHost - please create a support ticket or contact our LiveChat, and we should be able to help!

  • permissionsex, luckperms, prefix, show, in, chat, not, essentials, essentialsxchat, essentialschat, essentialsx
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